Minutes of June 15, 2017 LIA Executive Board Meeting
Theresa Dirksen came in to solicit cash to fund a pilot project to deal with manure in the watershed. The technology is called “Quick Wash” and it takes lagoon/pond manure and turns it into water, and a sellable by-product called calcium phosphate. She was asking for $2,587.00 from the LIA. Jeff Vossler made the motion to fund the project at $2,600.00 Mark Pienning seconded. Motion was passed unanimously with no nay votes.
Treasurers Report Please see attached report. Checkbook Balance $50602.40. St. Marys Foundation account is at $9,415.64 ($820 is for the Summer Kickoff). It was also noted that Mustang Sally’s 1st half of payment and 2 nights of hotel stay was not included in the Summer Kickoff expense report. Even with that, the event was above “break-even” and some profit was made. There was approximately $4,700 of reusable capital items that were purchased for the event and show as expenses in the report (attached).
Ag Boat Tour is Wed. June 21st. Tim was arranging boats for this.
Membership Cards Arrived in most mailboxes by June 15th. There are no coupons this year, and each card is personalized to the member. Next year we need to check for multiple paying names on the same address, as we had a complaint.
Bar Stool Open It was decided that 6:00pm will be the cutoff time to finish all holes. The 9am-6pm frames will give the bar/restaurant owners time to do evening activities. Mark noted that all bars needed to be accounted for so we can move ahead on advertising. Also Mark had stated once we know what bars will participate that we should print 400 – 11X17 flyers and 20 – 24X36. As of the time of the writing of these meeting minutes, all bars have been accounted for and files are at Designer Imaging (Tom Kirk) for printing.
2nd Beach Project Tim Lovett gave a short update to this project. It needs funding to lay out a strategy to the Army Corps. Tim had noted that Auglaize County commissioner Doug Spencer was looking to help this project financially.
Lawn Testing Tom Rampe made the motion to give $500.00 for lawn testing services offered in the area. Nick Rentz seconded. This is something the LIA has helped with for years now.
- It was brought up that perhaps we try to solicit judges for the barstool open through social media.
- There will be a general membership meeting July 1st
- The LIA did a split contribution for $1,200.00 with the city of St. Marys for this years carp derby
- Eric and Lizanne Morris were given praise for their planning of a very successful Summer Kickoff
- Dave Eynk expressed concerns about the treatment train encroaching on valuable fish spawning areas. The board in attendance was not qualified to answer this concern, and he will talk to Wright State Lake for a better answer.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:24pm
Respectfully submitted by Trustee Nick Rentz