LIA Membership Meeting
10:00 a.m. May 5, 2018 Celina Moose Lodge
Nick Rentz welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report. Ted noted on several expenses already paid for upcoming events. Ted said there’s a checkbook balance of $52,170.67 with $14000.00 in 2018 memberships.
Brian Morris spoke about the upcoming Summer Kickoff event to be held on June 23rd. Brian said the event features bands including Clark Manson, Nashville Crush, Kaitlyn Schmidt, and In Case of Emergency. There’s also food, kids activities, and more. Brian noted this years’ 5K run will be a 5K Fun Run and be family friendly.
Brian Morris also talked about the new LIA App for android and apple. Brian said the app features maps, lake information, and news. Nick Rentz noted that Brian has worked hard to create the app and explained its helpfulness.
Dave Faler (ODNR) gave the lake update. Currently lake level is 8.21” with gates closed. David thanked the 31 volunteers who collected 36 bags of trash on Lake Cleanup day. David said the swimming pool is finished and should be filled soon.
Tom Grabow talked about the dredging efforts around the lake. Tom said his team is now working on channels. Tom said the linear aeration systems folks have installed in their channels need to be turned on so the dredge team can see them. Tom noted incident where their team tore into a system recently that wasn’t running. Tom said he is planning to make dirt from the dredge team available to anyone who wants it as it is ready to take over the next few months.
Tom Knapke spoke about the LRC. He said the boat show is showing this morning at Otterbein. He said the treatment trains at Prairie Creek and Coldwater Creek are running. Tom noted on the 2nd Beach project which will begin this summer at some point as funding comes in.
Stephanie Leistensnider with Soil and Water introduced herself to the membership. She will be around for future presentations and reports for soil and water.
Teresa Dirksen with Ag Solutions gave an update on projects she is working on. Teresa said that results came in from the Farmers Survey. She said the information is formed on a 52% response rate and is summarized in a publication on the LIA website. She talked about several water pilots that have been completed recently. High rates of phosphorous are being removed by the separators though with some chemicals use. She said the process is a nice tool but needs to be studied further to determine the most cost effective way to incorporate it into the lake.
Zach Farell from the St. Marys Rotary Club introduced this year’s Carp Derby. Zach said the derby is sponsored by St. Marys Eagles and the LIA. He noted that many of the derby’s participants are not from the area which is their ultimate goal, to bring folks from all around to our lake. He said 13000-15000 pounds of carp were removed from the lake last year. Zach said the largest carp caught pays out to the first 3 places in the following amounts: 1-$800 2-$400 3-$200. He finished by asking the membership to help promote the event to grow it in future years.
Nick Rentz concluded the meeting by promoting the boat show and spotlighting the Channel Aeration Program. Nick then opened the floor for membership’s questions. Jeff Vossler read the 50/50 winner.
The LIA meeting concluded at 11:02.
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association