LIA Membership Meeting
10:00 a.m. April 10, 2021
Keith Westrick welcomed everyone present and everyone watching on Facebook to the meeting. He asked everyone to stand for the pledge of allegiance.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report. Ted said there is $49954.00 in the bank account.
Keith Westrick talked about the new Scavenger Hunt event held by the LIA on June 19th and 20th. He explained the family event and how to participate in it.
Theresa Dirksen gave the Ag report. She said the dredging at West Beach is completed and testing will commence to determine the next steps to treat the phosphorus in the beach area. She said sand is being added as well. Theresa updated the membership on the Prairie Creek project.
Deve Faler talked about projects going on around the lake and campgrounds. He said the restrooms at Windy Point and Villa Nova are open. He said there have been some upgrades including picnic tables donated by the St. Marys Rotary are now in the campground area. Dave said the dredge crew is looking to begin at the campground boat ramp. He noted the Fall Fest is planned for September 10-12, 2021 and Halloween is October 1-3, 2021.
Zach Ferrall with St. Marys Rotary was present to introduce the Get the Carp Outa Here Tournament which is back this year after a Covid-19 break. He said the LIA and St. Marys Eagles are sponsoring the event. He talked about the importance of removing the rough fish from the lake. The event is slated for June 11-13, 2021.
Keith Westrick with the help of Jeff Vossler announced the winner of the 50/50 then talked about some lighting the LIA is installing at different channels around the lake. He then concluded the membership meeting.
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association