LIA Membership Meeting

10:00 a.m. Oct. 7, 2017 Celina Moose Lodge


Brian Morris welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance.

Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report.

Stan Wilker gave an update on the kids fishing derby to be held in September. Stan said the event has 177 children attend the event. Stan thanked Pantry Pride Jeff Vossler and the many donations the membership gave throughout the year for the event.

Stan Wilker spoke briefly about the February Dance. He asked the membership to donate items for the silent auction.

Election Committee: Tom Rampe explained each officer’s duties and informed the membership that election nominations will close at the end of the today’s meeting.  Once they are closed an election will take place and the 2016 year officers and board members will be elected at the December meeting. Tom also read the bylaws and election procedures. Tom read off the positions available.

Brian Morris Guardian of the Lake Award- nominations are now open for the award which will be awarded at next month’s meeting.

LRC update: Tom Knapke- Tom said the 5 year plan is being printed and forwarded to state officials this week. Tom said the comprehensive plan hasn’t changed since it was presented to the membership at a previous meeting. Tom noted on several points the plan outlines. Tom asked for donations for the LRC to help implement the plan once it is approved.

Tom Grabow gave the dredging report. Tom said the year has been great but one dredge will be shut down this week to remove stumps around the lake. Tom asked that folks report any known stumps needing removed. Tom said the plan is to run dredges until the lake begins to ice over. Tom answered questions about dredging plans and property acquisition.

Brian Morris reminded folks to give nominations for board openings and the Guardian of the Lake award then opened the floor for questions. Brian also thanked the Kemper Family for their donation to the LIA in Les’ name.

Stan Wilker drew the winner of the 50/50.

The Members Meeting concluded at 10:45am

Submitted by,

Eric Morris


Lake Improvement Association

