LIA Membership Meeting
10:00 a.m. November 6, 2021
Celina Moose | Facebook Live Stream
Keith Westrick welcomed everyone present and everyone watching on facebook to the meeting and led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report. Ted said the LIA has $1,896 in the St. Marys Foundation and $63,496.43 in the LIA checking account. Ted advised the members that we have several financial commitments which will soon reduce the funds in the checking account.
Tom Rampe requested nominations from the floor for the 5 officer positions and 3 trustee positions to be elected at the December meeting. None were received. He announced the election committee had developed a slate of candidates for the positions as required by the LIA by-laws. The slate is
President – Keith Westrick ; Vice President – Jeff Vossler; Secretary – Eric Morris; Treasurer – Diane and Ted Bertke; Master at Arms – Brian Morris; Trustee – Brian Monroe for a 2 year term; Seth Bingham – for a 2 year term: and Michael Emans – for a 2 year term.
Dr. Stephen Jacquemin reported on the Lake’s water quality which was the best in a decade. The lake’s levels of algae and microcystin, the toxin produced by the algae, have been trending down for years. After extremely low spring runoff this year, the typical spring algae bloom did not occur. As the year progressed and temperatures rose in summer, phosphorus bound to the sediment in the Lake was released into water. Three strains of algae bloomed sequentially around the Lake and in warm, stagnant channels as the summer progressed. Although the blooms were high in biomass, Grand Lake experienced record low levels of microcystin due to little nitrogen being flushed into the Lake from the watershed in the spring. Microcystin is a toxin produced by algae that can sicken humans and animals. This year’s good water quality may not be repeated next year as it is dependent on several variables which may not be repeated next year.
Dr. Jacquemin noted the wetland and treatment trains constructed in the past few years are major contributors to the trend of in improving water quality in the Lake. He reported the Lake Facilities Authority has several planned projects involving wetland construction and restoration, the largest of which is the Burntwood-Langenkamp Wetland Conservation Area. Earthwork for the 88.9-acre project at the confluence of Burntwood and Coldwater creeks is expected to be completed by the end of the year, with seeding and vegetation work to be continued in spring.
Wildlife officer Brad Bruning of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources reported on the recent survey of the Lake’s fish population using 10 trap nets at several locations around the Lake targeting crappies. Of note was the large number of 5 to 8 inch crappies netted which indicates crappie fishing will be good in the future on the Lake. Brad noted ODNR is conducting testing for chronic wasting disease around Mercer County. Chronic wasting disease is a fatal disease that affects deer. Symptoms include dramatic weight loss, stumbling, listlessness and other neurological symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Agents are taking samples from road kill deer and hunter-harvested deer. A box has been placed at the entrance of the Mercer County Wildlife Refuge on State Route 703, where people may submit deer heads they harvest. He also reported the number of ducks harvested this year has been below average for this time of year. In response to a member’s question, Brad indicated the results of past and recent fish surveys are available to the public at the fish hatchery located at the east end of the Lake.
Dave Faler gave the park update. Dave reported the Lake is 6 inches above pool as a result of the recent rains. We have had 35.5 inches of rain so far this year. The Lake averages 45 inches of rain annually. He noted the Park campground was ¾ full 29 weekends this year including 22 weekends it was completely full. Although most of the campground facilities are shut down, there are 40 campers at the campground this week. His crews are doing campground maintenance now and only restrooms 1 and 3 are open until it gets too cold. An additional camper potable water fill station has been added to reduce lines at them. Portapotties have been placed at boat launch ramps for the duck hunters and cold water fishermen. He reminded those on the Lake to use life jackets at all times during cold weather as anyone who falls in the water will quickly get hypothermia.
Keith Westrick reported the Boardwalk Grill hosted a seafood boil to raise money for the LIA. They raised $610 for the LIA.
Tom Rampe again requested nominations from the floor for the 5 officer positions and 3 trustee positions to be elected at the December meeting. None were received. He then announced that in accordance with the LIA by-laws nominations were now closed
Keith Westrick then concluded the membership meeting.
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association