LIA Membership Meeting
10:00 a.m. September 1, 2018 Celina Moose Lodge
Nick Rentz welcomed everyone to the members meeting and stood for the pledge of allegiance.
Ted Bertke gave the treasurers report. The LIA has $59000 in checking and $12000 in the St. Marys foundation.
Keith Westrick updated members on the Bar Stool Open held on August 11th. Keith said there were 192 teams participating in the event. Keith thanked several people including Jeff Vossler, Tom Rampe, and judges who helped make the event a success. Keith also mentioned the few bottlenecks that arose from such a well attended event, saying he is looking for ways to improve. Nick Rentz touted the LIA App had 3000 hits during the event.
Nick Rentz talked about a Seafood Boil Event held by Boardwalk Grill. The event caught $440.00 for the LIA. Nick Rentz thanked the Edmonds Family for their partnership.
Jeff Vossler spoke about the Kids Fishing Derby to be held on September 12th. Jeff said the derby brought 160 kids last year and hopes to continue the tradition. Jeff asked for volunteers and cookies for the event.
Nick Rentz talked about the new Stan Wilker Memorial Playground to be placed at Windy Point. Nick showed the membership the proposed location and model of playground.
Dave Faler (ODNR) gave the lake update. Dave said lake level is at +.40. Dave talked about the Annual Fall Festival to be held. Dave said the event has craft and food vendors as well as live entertainment, all free of charge. Dave said 3 more duck blinds have been added around the lake just in time for the season to begin. September 29th is the Grand Lake Marathon and October 27th is the Halloween Festival.
Tom Grabow gave the dredge report. Tom noted on several projects completed by the individual dredges. He said there are 12 weeks of dredging left in the season. Tom mentioned the Pump a Little dredge which is working in the Northwood channels has been dealing with rocks. Tom then talked about getting the Grand Lake Rec Club’s assistance in getting stumps out of the lake with the annual stump program. To date there has been 241,192 Cubic Yards of dredge material removed.
Tom Knapke gave the LRC update. Tom showed a few aerial photos of GLSM. He and Dr. Jacquemin talked about the treatment trains with the corresponding photos explaining the projects to the membership.
Dr. Steven Jacquemin with Wright State University gave a report on his efforts on water quality. Dr. Jacquemin spoke about water quality and microsystems levels. He spoke about the process in which the levels are tested and the points in which they are dangerous to humans. Dr. Jacquemin said that toxin levels had been on the rise for 3 consecutive years until now. He said the average level has gone down this year. The Dr. explained several graphs showing the tendencies of toxin levels throughout the year. All graphs and visuals can be found on his website.
Nikki Hawk gave the Soil and Water update. Nikki introduced herself to the membership. Nikki talked about the Drive it Yourself Tour scheduled for next Sunday. The event will showcase livestock, conservation efforts, and the new Water Quality Center at WSU. She noted on the soil sampling for folks around the lake.
Nick Rentz spoke about the fertilizer regulations from ODA and the potential for its removal by the state legislature. He condemned the move and said the LIA will put an official stance out ASAP. Nick then opened the floor for membership’s questions. Jeff Vossler read the 50/50 winner.
Submitted by,
Eric Morris
Lake Improvement Association