LIA Membership Meeting

10:00 a.m. September 12, 2020

Facebook Live Stream

Nick Rentz welcomed everyone watching the live stream meeting on facebook.

Nick Rentz talked about the great season GLSM has had this year. He presented the LIA/LRC plan to bring some kayaks to the West Beach area for recreational use. He then talked about the Northwood Light House which the LIA is working to restore to its original state. Additionally Nick talked about the little Chickasaw Creek restoration completion. Nick thanked all the folks involved in the project.

Dr. Steven Jacquemin with Wright State gave a water quality update. Dr. Jacquemin talked about microsystem numbers and the Prairie Creek wetlands. These slides can be found on the LIA facebook page or website.

Dave Faler gave the park update. Dave said the lake is -.177” which is up from Labor Day. Dave said the camp grounds was busy over the holiday weekend. Dave spoke about the sleeper cabin updates at the park. He said campers have loved the renovations. Dave said he is looking for one additional camp attendant and asked those who are interested to contact the park office for an application. His update can also be found on the LIA facebook page or website.

Theresa Dirksen gave an update for AG/SWCD. Theresa noted on the projects and grants her office is working on. Her update can also be found on the LIA facebook page or website.

The membership meeting concluded.

Submitted by,

Eric Morris


Lake Improvement Association

