We invite all of our Veterans to the May meeting. The LIA thanks you for your service!
The Barstool Open is looking for volunteers to judge the event on August 14! It’s a great way to enjoy the day, see the costumes, and have a great time. There’s a morning shift and an afternoon shift – sign up for either. Contact the BSO Chairpersons, Doug Smith at 937-609-8728 OR Mike Enderud at 419-305-3079. The earlier you sign up, the more chances you have to work your favorite bar/restaurant location!
Pat Lovett, Treasurer, reported that March deposits totaled $3,832.18; expenses $3723.97; interest income of $6.04, the March 31st balance is $30,311.97
Two themes were prevalent in the meeting. Chris Grimm, Secretary, President Tim Lovett, Trustees Tom Rampe and Jeff Vossler encouraged all members to spread the word that soil testing is available to land owners in the Grand Lake or Wabash watersheds for a discounted fee of $5.00. The LIA, Grand Lake/Wabash Watershed Alliance and Helena Agronomic Center in Coldwater supplement this program to keep the cost to $5.00. Coupons can be purchased at the Soil and Water Office in Celina or at the Agronomic Center in Coldwater. Your Samples can be returned for analysis to the same location. Fertilizers that contain phosphorous pollute the lake! Tom Rampe mentioned that Menards has Phosphorous-Free Fertilizer on sale. Remember no “P” in the lake!
The second and ever-important theme SAVE GRAND LAKE! The billboards are up until at least May 31st. The new website makes it easy for you to be involved, get educated about issues, and to sustain the momentum with our legislators to clean up the lake. Mark Piening and Tim Lovett urged members to use the site to contact your legislator. No matter where you live, you can find the contact information for your legislators on the website and pre-designed letters so you can fill in the blanks and email it to them, or create your own. They will respond to your letters. Please, please take a moment to use the website to contact your government officials. Although US Congressman John Boehner recently voted against a bill to provide funding to clean up blue green algae nation wide, as he is against earmarks, the LIA and others are committed to clean water. Your voice counts! Please contact your legislators. They will hear you and respond.
The Barley Straw Project is in full swing again near Behm’s Landing. 214 bails of barley will be disseminated and suspended in the channels and aeration added to the project this year. A 2 year analysis shows localized reduction in blue green algae of 50%. Jeff Vossler heads up this program. (Look for the bright orange or green ‘slings’ around Robert Rd and Golden Pond.)
Craig Morton, State Park Manager, introduced the newest member of his team, Jeff Cotterman. 70 logs, 70 stumps and even an old oil line casing (no oil spill) were retrieved in 5 weeks. Lake Loramie loaned GLSM a barge and crawler crane. The new barge is under construction and should be here this summer. The Big Chickasaw and the Beaver Creek DMRA (dredge material relocation area) sediment traps have been cleaned. The West Bank boathouse will be completed by mid April. RJ Corman Railroad gave permission to run a pipe under the tracks to the DMRA on the north side of 703. The DMRA site for dredging Riley bay will be worked on this fall, dredging to start in 2011. A reminder that crappies must be 9” long to keep, and there is a 30 bag limit. Rules change with feeder creeks, so call the Park for more details if you’re not sure.
LAKE CLEAN UP DAY IS APRIL 24TH. Craig asked if LIA members would undertake cleaning up the islands (weather permitting). They will also need volunteers on the East Bank, West Bank and Windy Point. The OSP provides bags, gloves, and pick up of all debris. The LIA has provided beverages & snacks in years past. Craig asked if the LIA would continue with this support. Call the OSP office at 419-394-3611.
The new ValPak mailer will be going out on May 12th. Vice President, Mark Piening reported that the website had 1200 hits within days of the last mailer. Two new advertisers, Perfect Party Catering and Mary Niekamp & Chris Grimm of Hall Realty joined the website. There are two spots still open. Contact Mark Piening or Jeff Vossler if you’d like to advertise.
April 14th is Conservation Day in Columbus. Legislators, OEPA and ODNR will be represented. Tours of the State Supreme Court, breakfast and lunch will be provided. The cost is only $20 and there is a carpool. Bill Ringo has details. 419-733-0644.
Larry Baker of the Coast Guard Auxiliary reminded members that April 24th there is a boating safety class at Indian Lake and another on May 8th at Grand Lake St. Marys. Reservations are recommended. 937-418-2902 or lbaker@woh.rr.com. LAKE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION NON-PROFIT ORG GRAND LAKE ST. MARYS U.S. POSTAGE PAID P.O. BOX 118 MONTEZUMA, OH 45866 MONTEZUMA OH 45866 PERMIT 2
Update on the Streamside project from Tim Lovett: The LRC purchased 2 Airy Gator (aerators) to be installed in Mid April. One will be installed at the mouth of Park Grand /Shockers (formerly Shirley’s) at the end of Bruce Road, and the other in the Southmoor Shores bay, St.Marys. The Big Chickasaw Sediment Collector, has been ordered with an option to purchase a second one. It will be located on the west side of St Rt 219 between the Big Chickasaw and Behm Road. Dr. Hiskey at Wright State Lake Campus has been provided with equipment for baseline testing. Tim is optimistic that a month of testing may reveal some small improvements. Milt Miller and Brian Miller of the GLRIC (the fundraising commission) will be meeting with Agri businesses the third week of April. Bill Ringo and Tim thanked the many homeowners, farmers and businesses who have contributed to the St. Marys Civic Foundation and the SAVE THE LAKE campaign. We are getting closer to our goal. The GLRIC is working closely with the Army Corp of Engineers on the Streamside project. The LIA contributed $7000 to the LRC (Lake Restoration Committee) to assist in applying for a “319 Grant” valued at $500,000. Tim asked that each member get involved in any of the many areas where we need volunteers for Lake Clean Up Day on April 24th, the Barstool Open and any of the festivals, Freedom Days, Lake Festival, or Boat Races. Please call or tell a board member that you would like to work for a few hours. Thanks to all who have donated to restoring our lake. Every dollar counts! Thanks for your generosity.
Our thanks to Larry Salyers, who won the 50/50 lottery and donated the money back to the LIA.
Next LIA meeting: May 1, 2010. 10:00a.m. Celina Moose Lodge