Minutes of LIA Membership Meeting 4/2/11

President Tim Lovett opened the meeting and called for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Pat Lovett, gave the following Treasurer’s Report

Beginning Balance……. $ 39,214.69

Tim explained the that the largest expense last month was the cost of the lobbyist. The lobbyist was able to secure the $5 million for the alum treatment and he was also able to get the 20% local match for the funds be removed as a requirement.

Mark Piening gave a website update, stating that the LIA is maintaining a steady number of hits. He went on to thank the members for using the website, particularly whose who used it to renew their LIA Membership. Mark reported that the Educational Series on the website is now completed and that the series received 4,000 clicks and 1,200 click throughs. He announced the LIA Hoedag Video Contest which was designed to increase awareness of the lake habitat among high school students. Prizes will be given as follows: $200 for the winning team of the Best Overall Video PLUS $500 to the winning team schoolʼs Video Production Dept., $200 to the winning team of the most Creative Video, and $100 to the winning team of the Funniest Video.

Mark also gave the membership update stating that the membership renewal forms were mailed last Wednesday. He reported there would only be one mailing but that members will receive at least two email reminders from the LIA. He asked those in attendance to please renew their membership and help recruit new members. Tim stated that the more members the LIA has, the more influence the organization will have with decision-makers. We need more members.

Tom Rampe reported that the Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) has soil testing kits available and with the LIA supplementing the price – the price is only $5.00/kit. He also reported that the SWCD also has cheat sheets on “How to Fertilize Your Lawn.” He went on to explain that when buying fertilzer look for fertilizer that has NO phophorous. The center number of the chemical make-up, ex. 20-20-10, should be zero such as 20-0-10. Scottʼs is making a phophorous-free fertilizer.

Tim explained that many people send the LIA their business plans for solving the GLSM problems. The LIA sends them on to the Ohio EPA to review and determine the viability of the plans. He then introduced the staff from Kapex Manufacturing who has been cleaning up lakes for at least twenty-years. They gave a presentation on their solution for cleaning the lake. Their evaluation of the GLSM involves the oxygenation of the lake using their “Jet Streamers.” They identified the problem as “stagnation” and not phosphorous loading. After a lengthy presentation with statistical data to support their technology, their solution is to place 45 “Jet Streamers” around and through out the lake.

Tim then gave a report on LRC activities. He explained that there was nothing new to report this month but that the LRC had received the money for the alum and the additional dredgers.

Tim called on Brian Miller, Interim Park Manager, for his announcements. Brian thanked the LIA for such a great website on lake issues and information and said he refers people to it for information. Brian then gave the following updates: ➡ Lake level is still up by 12” and there has been recent game fish caught that are looking good. The recent catfish tournament was a success.

➡ Dock invoices are due on May 30 and urged people to get them in and take advantage of the 50% discount. Park Service has busy getting the campsites open and there are campers using the campground this weekend. Lake Clean-up day will be on April 30 with expanded hours of 9:00am-12:00noon. The Pre-Meeting of the Clean-up day will be on4/29 at 6pm.

➡ Another dredger was put on the lake this week and will soon head to the Coldwater Creek area. The dredgers will start pumping on Tuesday and a third dredger will enter the lake later. He was happy to report that Ohio State Senator Faber had secured $750.000 to pay for the GLSMʼs Dredge Fund. He asked people to thank Sen. Keith Faber for his hard work. Brian also explained that the Park Service cannot run the pumps on the dredgers 24hrs./7 days a week because there isnʼt enough room to put the silt and time is also need to allow the water to drain from the holding area.

➡ Alum testing will begin this week at the Windy Point Boat Ramp. The boat ramp will be closed until the completion of the testing on 4/17. The alum treatment of the lake will run from 5/16-7/1. A light dose of alum will be dispersed on the lake except in areas that are 2 feet or less. There is a large rectangle area down the center of the lake that will receive an additional heavy dose of alum.

➡ Rough fish removal will begin on 4/7. The Park Service has hired two temporary employees to empty the nets. Brian thanked those who had volunteered to empty the nets but decided the best use of volunteers would be on the Lake Clean-up Day. G.A. Windsor Rendering Inc. has agreed to pick up the fish at no cost. Brian asked people to leave all the new buoys alone which will appear on the lake. The fishing nets are marked with buoys as will the USGS research equipment on the lake this year. The USGS will be gathering data about the lake which will be very helpful in understanding the problems with the lake. He asked that people report anyone they see interfering with the buoys and the equipment.

In closing, Brian stated that he had been selected for the Park Director and it would be announced next week. Those in attendance were very pleased to hear this announcemnt.

Tim thanked Brian for all of his hard work and made the following announcements:

➡ Anyone wanting to fertilize their lawns this year should have the soil tested first to determine that it does indeed need fertilizing;

➡ The “Bar Stool Open” is scheduled for August 6 and the t-shirts are currently being designed;

➡ The LIA is planning a Golf Tournament to help raise money for the organization with details coming out soon;

➡ Help the LIA by volunteering, recruiting members and with any extra money people can donate; and

➡ Thank Sen. Keith Faber for the $750,000 he secured for the Dredge Fund.

Tim called for questions. It was suggested that the LIA offer multiple year membership renewals. Tim stated that the Board would evaluate it.

The 50/50 drawing was $120 and was won by Gene Marshal who donated his half to the LIA Tree Fund. This was followed up with the raffle drawings for two soil testing kits.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Next Meeting May 7, 2011 Celina Moose Lodge, 10:00a.m.

