Minutes of the 07/02/2011 Meeting

Officers in attendance were President Tim Lovett, Vice-president Mark Piening, Treasurer Pat Lovett, and Master at Arms Bob Sachs. Directors in attendance were Dave Myer, Tony Seger, Tom Rampe, Matt Tebbe, and Jeff Vossler. Secretary Anderson and Director Stan Wilker were excused from attendance at the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning Balance $32,888.36
Deposits 2,594.10
Expenses 5,402.74
Interest 0
Balance $29,645.03
Vice President Piening announced that preparations for the Association Golf Outing on Saturday, July 16th, to raise money for the LIA’s programs, are well underway. It will be at Northmoor Golf Club and the cost will be $45 per participant. Many door prizes will be awarded. Domino’s Pizza, Pepsi, Chief’s Supermarket and Bud Lite were recognized for their support of the outing. The goal is to raise $5,000. Hole sponsorships are still available. Further information and sign up information can be found on the LIA website. Sign up by July 11. Volunteers are needed to help support the outing.
Dave Meyer reminded the members that the Bar Stool Open will be on August 6 this year. Sign up forms are being distributed to the participating bars and restaurants. Members are encouraged to sign up soon before there is sell out. Many very nice door prizes will be distributed to the participants. The theme is “Get back on the Lake”. Hole sponsors and hole judges are needed. Being a hole judge is not difficult and is a lot fun. There will be a picnic/judges workshop at 6 P.M. on July 29. The LIA will provide the meat dish, everyone should bring a covered dish to share.
Dave also reminded the members that the LIA’s fishing derby for challenged kids will be on September 14th. It will be held at the East Bank shelter house. Homemade cookies in large quantities are needed. Dave will pick them up if you call him.
Miles Strand and Joe Lochtefeld from Diversified Pond Supplies LLC gave a presentation on channel aeration. Joe noted that aeration is one of the priorities of the Lake Restoration Commission and the Bill Lynch from Ohio State recommended bottom aeration to improve ponds in his presentation to LIA earlier this year. Joe noted that aeration in channels allows nature to decompose the organic muck at the bottom of channels and clean them up. It also reduces the need for dredging. Aeration has been successfully been used to control blue green algae since it moves them out of their comfort zone at the water’s surface and reduces the phosphorus available to them. Aeration also helps maintain the dissolved oxygen level at the bottom of channels. At night, the oxygen level can approach zero which will cause fish kills. Joe indicated the patented tubing his firm uses is extremely energy efficient in putting the oxygen from the air into the water. The air compressors also are very quiet while maximizing energy efficiency. His firm has installed aeration equipment in channels at Behm’s Landing, Windemere Bay, Hidden Shores, and Windy Point North. At each installation, circulation and dissolved oxygen in the channels has significantly improved and water quality is much better than in adjacent channel areas that have not been aerated. Contact information for Diversified Pond Supplies is in the LIA website.
Tom Knapke, the Facilitator for the Lake Restoration Commission (LRC) reported the Commission will meet with Battelle management on July 18th. Battelle will review the 60 proposals that have been submitted by various companies to improve the Lake and identify the three best for further evaluation and testing. They will also provide scientific and technical advice to the LRC on the various activities that have begun to improve the Lake. He noted that the Ag Solutions group is working on ways to reduce farmland nutrient runoff and research efforts ongoing in the watershed were mentioned in article in a University of Dayton publication. Tom reported that the Carp Derby Committee plans to hold another carp derby on the weekend before Memorial Day in 2012. He noted that the President of Wright State University will be attending a meeting at the Lake Campus concerning the establishment of a Water Institute at the Lake Campus that would support research on the Lake’s water quality problems. He reported that the LRC is in contact with State officials on funding for an alum treatment in the Lake in early 2012. He also noted that the LRC members have been meeting with ACOE officials on in Lake wetlands.
Brian Miller reported that the Lake level is 8 inches above pool. The microcystin test result levels in the Lake have been generally in mid 20 ppb range and the highest level was 43 ppb, well below extremely high levels seen last year. Some scum buildup has occurred in channels when the winds are still. The $3.8 million alum treatment program for the Lake went very well. The contractor, HAB, applied the 1.8 million gallons of alum solution and 900,000 gallons of sodium aluminate in a very professional, effective manner. He will be meeting with ODNR Director Mustine to discuss the proposed 2012 alum application for the Lake.
Brian reported the dredging under Tom Grabow’s supervision is going well. Over 101,000 cubic yards have been dredged this year as of July 1st. High waves have occasionally stopped the dredging by Its It. When that occurs, the dredge crew works on the Anderson DMRA. A large strip of rubber jammed the dredge pump there. Brian reminded the members not to dispose of trash and debris in the Lake. He noted that demolition concrete is needed for rip rap at the DMRA. The $81,000 remainder of the new dredge funding was used to place riprap along the shore at Harmon’s Landing. He also noted that core sampling of the Lake bottom will occur on July 25th. The sampling results will help determine in commercial dredging of the Lake bottom is feasible.
Brian noted the rough fish removal is going well. Over 13 tons have been removed. The recent carp derby was successful and removed an additional four tons of carp. He reported the park campgrounds have been averaging about 40 sites occupied compared to 150 prior to algal toxin issues. Members are encouraged to pay their dock fees which are half off this year. The fees are important to support the operation of the park and enforcement is underway. The plaques for the newly planted memorial trees are coming soon.
Brian said that permits should be obtained by homeowners installing channel aeration. The permits are extremely simple and easy to obtain. Just contact him at the Park office. The goose roundup was much smaller than in past years and was just for scientific research. If geese are a problem in your area, repeated harassment will result in them leaving.
Brian reminded the members that monitoring bouys have been placed on the Lake and monitoring equipment has been placed on 4×6 posts on the four corners of the Lake. Please avoid them when boating. He noted that the South Shore Sportsman Club had 160 kids at its recent kids fishing derby. Many nice blue gill were caught and the kids had fun. He reported that the Lake Festival will occur on July 24th and 25th. The events will occur as in the past except he cardboard boat contest will be held at the Celina swimming pool due to the microcystin in the Lake.
Mike Beisner of Self Providers Group Inc. gave a presentation on the “switch and support” program which now includes natural gas and electricity. Certain homeowners and businesses can now save money on their gas bill while generating funds for the LIA. Mike presented a check for $625 to President Lovett for the LIA generated by the switch and support program. Further information is available on the LIA website.
Tom Knapke won the 50/50 drawing and graciously to the LIA’s golf outing.
Since the Bar Stool Open will prevent holding the August LIA meeting on August 6, the membership voted to hold it on August 13.

Next Meeting –August 13, 2011
Celina Moose Lodge, 10:00a.m.


