Ag Solutions' Jim Keller sent the following information compiled by Mary Wicks, Program Coordinator for OCAMM:
From Amanda Douridas (OSU):
Midwest Nutrient Applicators Association Annual Meeting. June 11, 2013, Findlay, OH. Topics include legal issues for haulers, improved communication between crop and livestock farmers, and more. Details
From USDA-ARS newsroom:
APLE: Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator. This spreadsheet is used to simulate edge-of-field sediment bound and dissolved P loss in surface runoff from application of different animal manures as well as commercial fertilizers. Details
From Morning Ag Clips:
Court refuses to dismiss poultry farmer’s suit against EPA. The case was initiated by a poultry farmer after the EPA ordered her to obtain a discharge permit for runoff from her farmyard. Although the EPA withdrew the order, the court ruled that the case should go forward to clarify whether discharge permits are required for ‘ordinary precipitation from a typical farmyard.’ Details
From Jeffrey Bewley (UKY):
Factsheet: Kentucky Compost–Bedded Pack (CBP) Barn Project. This study of 51 CBP dairy barns documents management practices and how they affect system performance and cow health and hygiene. It also summarizes farmer’s perceptions of CBP benefits, recommended changes, and lessons learned. Factsheet
From Manure Manager:
What’s your manure IQ? Find out how much you know about the content and availability of nutrients in livestock manure. Quiz
Million-gallon cow manure spill fouls MN river. When the concrete wall of a storage pit fractured, manure from a 495-head dairy spilled into two trout streams. A cool spring has limited opportunities to apply manure, resulting in full to overflowing manure storage systems. Article
From Steve Baertsche (OSU):
AgSTAR National Conference and Exhibition. June 11-12, 2013, Indianapolis, IN. Technical sessions will address the value of carbon credits, anaerobic digestion for swine, uses for biogas, financing, and more. Details
From Green Scoop:
It’s poop with potential. A new Columbus, OH company is providing a service to collect dog waste, either cleaning up the yard or collecting owner-bagged materials, and plans to compost and/or generate electricity from it. Website