The Mercer Soil and Water Conservation District recently teamed with The Lake Improvement Association, The Mercer County Farm Bureau, The Grand Lake/Wabash Watershed Alliance, and the Mercer County Chapter of Pheasants Forever to hold a conservation poster contest for county students. The contest theme was “Where Does Your Water Shed?” to coincide with the 2013 Soil and Water Stewardship Week theme.
Ever wonder where the rain goes once it hits the ground? That depends on what it lands on and where the water will shed. If it hits a roof, it might go into a gutter and then down a downspout into a grassed lawn. If it hits a parking lot, it can't soak in so it travels to the lowest point until it reaches an area that it may travel to a retention pond or grass area. If it lands on the soil, it will soak into the ground and travel to the groundwater aquifer. But if it lands on bare ground – then it might cause erosion depending on the amount of rain. It is important to know that we all live in a watershed. Join us on the journey to find out where your water sheds.
A team of local judges selected six winning posters. The winners were Brecken Adams and Mia Chrisman, both 3rd graders at Immaculate Conception School in Celina; Mary Kahlig, a 4th grader attending Marion Local; Bryce Mihm and Grace Etgen, both 4th graders at Parkway; and Sierra Bomholt, a 4th grader at St. Henry Elementary. Each of these students has been awarded a McDonald’s gift certificate.
The judges also selected many of these winning posters to display on placemats at local restaurants during Soil & Water Stewardship Week, which is celebrated April 28 to May 5, 2013. Look for these special placemats as you enjoy dinner out in the Grand Lake Area!
The Mercer County Chapter of Pheasants Forever, The Grand Lake/Wabash Watershed Alliance, The Mercer County Farm Bureau, The Lake Improvement Association and The Mercer SWCD Board of Supervisors and staff hope that this contest has inspired an early appreciation for our watersheds and natural resources. We would like to congratulate all of the students who submitted posters on their outstanding work.